When I close my eyes my mind is all noise
Be still, I say
But kind words don’t come easy
nor does tenderness.
My spirit has raced and brawled with all that it touches,
as if all I ever had were enemies.
Be still, I say again.
Scared and wide eyed, like a lost child that doesn’t know the world;
doesn’t know the beauty in the shadows,
doesn’t know the scratches outside their window are nothing more than a tree scraping against the glass,
doesn’t know how to breathe slowly until their heart steadies.
inhale, exhale.
how do you calm a child?
how do you soothe the soul?
what lullaby do you sing to yourself to let your heart know that they are enough?
you are enough
you are enough
you are enough.
be still, for you are more than enough than all the shadows you hide from
you are the stars, my love
be kind to yourself.