If you could see what I see

My dreams are larger than life

Too many times I’ve been alone in my corner

I’ve stared out the window, I’ve closed my eyes, I’ve distanced myself from the ground

and I’ve lived infinite lives.

I’d like to tell you the story of a girl who talks to the dead

and I’d like to tell you about the blind girl who loved the woman with snakes in her hair.

I’d like to introduce you to a group of friends with broken hearts and all their flaws.

There’s worlds upon worlds living in my head,

they grow like seedlings and sprout to buds until they’re whispering in my ears.

I’d do anything to share my eyes with you

I like to write down their thoughts, little scribblings in my notebook of inside jokes, little moments that I’m waiting to bring to life.

I tear myself apart trying to share these worlds with you, split open my ribcage so that everything will spill out like ink dripping from a bottle.

I want

I want

I want.

I want more than anything to share what I see.

There’s no amount of words or poetry that I could recite to you that would explain this unyielding need to give what I have

If I could let you live in my head for just a moment, maybe then you would see.